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Traditional Life


Read the information on this page. Create a venn diagram to compare and contrast your life with the traditional life of the Wiradjuri people. 

Men and women would gather what they needed using many tools, weapons and methods.


Traditional ways of life were followed through the Dreaming.

Each group had their own area to hunt and gather food. They were responsible to look after their land.

Each group would meet 1-2 times a year for corroborees, ceremonies and trading.

Baiame was the creator and gave the laws for behaviour and custodianship of the land.

Education was a life long process and the women were responsible for the teaching.

They wore fur skin from possums or kangaroos to keep them warm during the winter and wore woven skirts or went naked during the summer.

Initiations were an important time for young boys. After planning and preparing for several months, young boys were taken into the bush for training, testing and initiation into the next level of knowledge.

Corroborees were performed where bonds with each other and the spirits were strengthened. The Wiradjuri council would sit during this time to discuss important issues.

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