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Wiradjuri Art


Watch the YouTube video and read the information on this page. Using the symbols below, create a story through art. You might want to start with a meeting place in the centre and describe a journey a character had around the edges using the different symbols. Paint your artwork and share your story with a partner. 

Art is a very important part of Indigenous culture. Through art Indigenous people tell their stories and it plays a vital role in traditional ceremonies. Tree carvings, ground designs, engravings and body art were the main forms of art and lots of ornaments and decorations were used (Greenwood 2015 pg. 34). 

Ochre, a special type of clay was collected or traded between tribes to make the paint they would use. The Wiradjuri people would use the end of a small green stick that they flattened out like a paint brush by chewing on it as a paintbrush (Greenwood 2015 pg.34). 


The Wiradjuri people would use a grinding stone to work the ochre into a fine powder before mixing it with water to make a paint.

Wiradjuri Art Symbols

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