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Wiradjuri Country


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The Wiradjuri nation is the biggest nation in NSW and many thousands of people spoke the Wiradjuri language. Wiradjuri lands are known as the land of three rivers;

  • Murrumbidgee 

  • Gulari (Lachlan)

  • Womboy (Macquarie) (Greenwood 2015)

The Wiraduri people journeyed throughout their country and fished from canoes and hunted with spears and nets for duck, kangaroo, goannas, snakes, lizards, emus, possums, wallabies and waterfowl (Bathurst Heritage Matters n.d.). Their food supply also included various plants, roots and vegetables.

Each tribe in the Wiradjuri nation had it's own area to live. The tribe of between 10 to 50 people would collect everything they need from the environment and would move camp when the food supply was getting low (Greenwood 2015).

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